The Motor Club Roma on line


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Table of Contents

What a Motor Club is

The Motor Club Roma

Sporting activities

Motor tourism at the Motor Club Roma

The Motor Club Roma in the school

To enter into the Motor Club Roma

Traditional activities


Ongoing Activities

Photo archives


What a Motor Club is

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In Italy, a Motor Club is a local organization, which is part of a national organization, the "Federazione Motociclistica Italiana" which, by it's hand, is part of the CONI, the Italian sport organization. The Motor Club is an organization with hobbyist purpose, regulated by articles of association approved from the national organization, the FMI; for this reason it is authorized to organize racing and cultural events.


The Motor Club Roma

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Started in 1913, it is one of the oldest Italian Motor Club at present still in activity. It have been qualified with the "Stella d’oro al merito sportivo" thanks to its intense and qualified activity, since from the beginning of the story of motorcycling, in the organization and participation on all kinds of motor racing.
The interests of the Motor Club Roma covers all areas of sports and touristy motorcycling; in the first case organizing high level races, in the second with the participation to all the important events and with the organization of its own.
Also relevant is the activity in the cultural and educational fields, which is carried on divulging information on motorcycling, obtained from its wide technical and photographic archive, built during the long story of the Motor Club Roma. Thanks to the availability of all this material and to the specific competencies of the members of the Club, have been also organized introductory lessons and training to the "civil" use of a motorbike.


Sporting activities

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Thanks to the experience deriving from its long story of national and international successes, in all the main motorcycling events and races, both on track and off-road, the Motor Club Roma still organizes high level sporting events.

The latest successes are in the Motorally and endurance fields, in which the Motor Club Roma has a very high technical experience.


Motor tourism at the Motor Club Roma

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Since from the beginning, one of the main activities of the Motor Club Roma have been the tourist one, both participating to the main events than organizing its own. Among the others can be mentioned the cultural tours ant the "wine and food" tours, the main of those is the traditional "Fork and gas" tour of spring.
The scopes of the touring activity are tightly linked to the cultural scopes of the Club, which are put into practice through the special care used un the choice of the tours itinerary, as a function of their typical historical and landscape attractive. One of the main series of events of this kind have been the international motor-meeting "Never-Ending Town", whose top event where the mass participation (including motorbikes) at the Sunday speech of the Pope in St. Peter Square. The Pope after that, have been appointed as "honor member" of the Motor Club Roma.


The Motor Club Roma in the school

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In 1995 the Motor Club Roma organized an introductory course, with theoretical and practical lessons of the use of the scooter, under the umbrella of the program of road education of the Italian school ministry, dedicated to the middle school (13th and 14th aged boys). The course have been carried on during the normal lesson time and have been very much appreciated from the students and from the teachers who participated to the course. The theoretical lessons dealt with arguments of traffic education with the contribution of agents of the urban police, of first medical assistance, of choice of the right dressing and helmet and, last but not least, mechanical principles. During the practical lessons, carried on thanks to the sponsor of the main scooter manufacturers who provided the vehicles, the previous theoretical lessons have been put into practice on a dedicated track.


To enter into the Motor Club Roma

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Among the advantages on entering into the Motor Club Roma can be mentioned the help in solving all the technical and practical problems encountered by the new bikers in moving into the city. Other examples are the help in finding the right spare part, a legal assistance or the choice of the best dressing. Besides those, the "institutional" services offered by the Motor Club Roma to its members are:

·      Full assistance in all the actions to obtain the racing license, without additional costs.

·       Full assistance in the participation in racing and tourist events.

Last but not least, it should be noted that the availability of a registered office where to meet the other members, permits the development of all the social activities, and the participation of all members to those.


Traditional activities

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The "New year drink" is one of the traditional activities of the Motor Club Roma.

The meeting is fixed every 1st of January at 10.30. Here after the happy new year is chosen a destination in the neighborhood of Rome. The group then starts for a short trip all together up to the chosen destination where the drink to the bikers health is consumed. It is planned to come back home before lunch to avoid quarrels with the family.


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Last update:  20.04.2002