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Spedale di S. Giovanni in Laterano (Book 9) (Map A3) (Day 1) (View C9) (Rione Monti)

In this page:
The plate by Giuseppe Vasi
Today's view
The Hospital
SS. Andrea e Bartolomeo

The Plate (No. 172)

Spedale di S. Giovanni in Laterano

Founded by Innocentius III in 1204 the hospital was thoroughly rebuilt when Sixtus V redesigned the whole area. The view shows the street linking S. Giovanni with the Coliseum. The Pope wanted the street to directly link S. Giovanni with St. Peter and ordered Domenico Fontana to pull down the Coliseum, but Cardinal Santorio and others succeeded in persuading him to spare the Roman ruin. The view is taken from the green dot in the 1748 map below. In the description below the plate Vasi made reference to: 1) Fountain near the Obelisk; 2) Hospital (male section); 3) Hospital (female section); 4) Anfiteatro Flavio. 1) and 4) are shown in other pages. The small map shows also 5) SS. Andrea e Bartolomeo.

Small ViewSmall View


The view today

Apart from the usual toll to everyday life, not much has changed and one can still see the Coliseum at the end of the long and narrow street. You can see the fountain in Plate 34

The Hospital

The Hospital

The long building was the men's ward and has some elegant Baroque elements. The coats of arms are no longer there, but the bees of Urbanus VIII can still be seen under the balcony.

Inside the ward

S. Giovanni is still one of the main hospitals of Rome. The old ward is now used for receiving the public.

The medieval entrance to the hospital (in the street leading to the Coliseum) is worth being paid attention.

The Portal

SS. Andrea e Bartolomeo

SS. Andrea e Bartolomeo

Giacomo Mola, who designed the hospital, provided it with a small church which incorporated the portal of a previous church existing on the same site. Next to the church a long portico made with Roman columns is the ancient entrance to the hospital, which once was dedicated to S. Michele.

Excerpts from Giuseppe Vasi 1761 Itinerary related to this page:

Chiesa di S. Andrea e Spedale per gli uomini
Due grandi spedali, uno per gli uomini, l'altro per le donne, sono uniti a quella piccola chiesa, la quale per maggior comodo degli Infermi mantiene il ss. Sagramento. Quello degli uomini fu eretto l'an. 1216. dal Card. Gio: Colonna, e quello per le donne fu accresciuto da fabbriche da Alessandro VI. ed amendue stanno sotto la cura dell'Archiconfraternita del ss. Salvatore.

Next plate in Book 9:
Spedale di S. Giovanni di Dio
Next step in Day 1 itinerary: Obelisco Egizio sulla Piazza del Laterano
Next step in your tour of Rione Monti: SS. Pietro e Marcellino

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