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A. WHAT DO I KNOW ABOUT THEATRE AND DRAMA: in your own words, try to answer the following questions. (Do not look them up in a dictionary)

1. What is drama?    
2. what is a play?    
3. what does a dramatist do?    
4. where can a play be performed apart from a theatre?    
5 which of these terms are you familiar with? Do you know what they refer to?

scene - scenario - acts - setting - characters - cast - dialogue - soliloquy - stage directions - director - costume designer - chorus - mime - mimesis -  plot - story -major characters - minor characters - stock characters - genre - cabaret - 

6. Can you tell the title and the author  of at least 1 play you saw ? (either at the theatre or on TV )(feel free to add as many as you like)


7. Can you tell the name of at least two playwrights/dramatists from your Country?(feel free to add as many as you like)


8 Can you tell the name of at least two playwrights/dramatists from another European Country (choose from Greece -Austria  - France - Italy)(feel free to add as many as you like)


9. Can you tell the title of at least two plays from another European Country (choose from Greece -Austria  - France - Italy)(feel free to add as many as you like)


10 If you gave a consistent answer to # 7 #8 # 9, can you please list and the main themes of these plays? 


11.Can you tell something about the authors?


12. Can you tell something about the characters ?
13. have you ever seen a movie version of a theatre play? which?

If you did, which did you like best? the movie or the theatre play? why?


14 would you be interested in knowing more about drama in your country? if yes, why? - if not why?


15 would you be interested in knowing more about drama in any of these countries: Austria - France - Greece? or any other country?if yes, why? - if not why?


16. what do you think makes a good or bad theatre actor?


16a. what do you think is the best thing about being an actor?
17 what do you think is the worst thing about being an actor?


18. do you think you would enjoy acting on a stage? or for the cinema? 18a Do you feel you have sometimes been an actor in your daily life for some reason ? when? how did you feel about that?
19 Among the actors you know, which do you admire most? which do you admire least ? give reasons for your choice.




familiarity with drama terms

amount of information on specific plays amount of information on specific authors personal response to drama viewing assumptions and received ideas on the world of actors
GROUP 1 IT          
GROUP 2 AU          
GROUP 3 GR          
GROUP 4 FR          
GROUP 5 OTHER          
