Before trying the self-scoring quizzes, study the materials in the websites on the right cell next to the each quiz title.
1. Shakespeare's Plays Everything you wanted to know on Shakespeare
2. Spenser: the Renaissance Epic Poem: The Faerie Queene  

3. The Elizabethan Drama: Marlowe – Dr. Faustus – Shakespeare ‘s Hamlet – problem plays

4. The Puritan Age: historical background

4bis. Jacobean Drama

5. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim Progress

6. Early Colonist literature in North America

7. The Restoration Age: historical Background 

8. The Industrial Revolution and the Age of Prose

9. The Rise of Journalism – Defoe’s Robinson’s Crusoe

10. Swift: “Man a Pernicious Race”.

11. The Romantic Period: historical and social background – Features of Romantic Poetry

12. The development of the Gothic Novel – excerpts from M. Shelley’s “Frankenstein

13. American History: the War of Independence – Features of American Literature in the early XIX Century – Thomas Jefferson. American Gothicism: E.A.Poe

14. Frontier Literature: J. Fenimore Cooper. W.Irving













Configuring the quiz: As mentioned above, all changes to the quiz is made in the external js file (popsolution.js). There are 4 steps to this process (You may want to have the file open right now).

Step 1: Change var total=5 in the first line to reflect the number of questions you're using.

Step 2: Change the text inside array compliments[] to reflect the phrases that will be randomly shown to the user if he/she correctly answers the question.

Step 3: This is the most important step- editing the questions. Each question follows the below format:

question[1]="What is the difference between a jungle and a rain forest?"
choice1[1]="No difference. Simply two different ways in referring to the same thing."
choice1[2]="A jungle in general receives less rain than a rain forest."
choice1[3]="A jungle refers to the thickest area of a rain forest"
choice1[4]="A jungle and a rain forest each contain their own group of distinct plants and animals.

Change the number in red to reflect the question number. The first line contains the actual question, the remaining lines the choices associated with the question.

Step 4: The final part is to change array solution[] to reflect the solution to each question.

You're done!