The Motor Club Roma Ongoing activities in the year 2002 |
In this year the Motor Club Roma has planned the organization of the usual amount of motor trips, both on and off road, reserved to the members and to the applicant.
Up to now the following activities have been completed:
16 - 17/02/2002 -
motor meeting "La Cisa" (*)
Completed with satisfaction and a lot of Kilometers.
In the previous years, have been successfully completed:
19 - 20/2/2000 -
motor meeting "La Cisa" (*)
Competed with satisfaction and a lot of Kilometers.
24 - 28/4/2000 - Full off-road in Sardinia (*). We spent 5 days of full immersion into the Sardinian nature. |
14/5/2000 EnduRomania |
21 – 24 / 09 / 2000: visit to the Frankfurt show; an epic trip in record time.
The activities indicated with (*) are reserved to members.
Last update: 20/04/02