Giancarlo Gandolfo
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (not including book reviews)
1. Introduction to the special issue of Macroeconomic Dynamics containing the proceedings of a Conference in honor of Clifford R. Wymer, Macroeconomic Dynamics 23 (Suppement 1), September 2019, 1-8.
2. L'edizione critica inglese del Manuale di Economia Politica di Pareto: alcune osservszioni sulla teoria paretiana del commercio internazionale, in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2017, Rend. Mor. Acc. Lincei, s.9, v.28: 247-251.
3. International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics, 2nd edition (with contributions by Daniela Federici), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2016.
4. The Tobin Tax in a Continuous-time Non-linear Dynamic Model of the Exchange Rate, revised version of 9, Cambridge Journal of Economics 39(6), 1629-1643, 2015.
5. Chaos in Economics (with Daniela Federici), Journal of Economics and Development Studies 2(1), 51-79, 2014.
6. International Trade Theory and Policy, 2nd edition (with contributions by Federico Trionfetti), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2014.
7. Mathematical Models in Economics, paper presented at the Conference "I modelli matematici: strumenti di conoscenza e di innovazione tecnologica", Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Centro interdisciplinare Beniamino Segre, Rome, 11-12 December 2013. Revised version published in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Contributi del Centro interdisciplinare Beniamino Segre No. 136, Rome 2018, 43-58.
8. Sull'uso della matematica in economia, vent'anni dopo, paper presented at the Workshop "Matematica ed economia: Presente e futuro", Laboratorio di Scienze Matematiche, LUSPIO University, Rome, 14-15 September 2012. Revised version published in G. Boffi (ed.), 2013, I modelli matematici di fronte alla crisi economica e finanziaria, PRISTEM/Storia No. 31, Bocconi University, Milan.
9. The Tobin Tax in a Continuous-time Non-linear Dynamic Model of the Exchange Rate, ASSRU Discussion Paper 10-2012/II, University of Trento, Department of Economics
10. The Euro/Dollar Exchange Rate: Chaotic or Non-chaotic? A Continuous Time Model with Heterogeneous Beliefs, (with Daniela Federici), revised version of 11, in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36(4), 670-681, 2012. Available on line 9 December 2011.
11. The Euro/US Dollar Exchange Rate: Chaotic or Non-Chaotic? (with Daniela Federici), revised version of 12, CESifo Working Paper 3420, April 2011.
12. The Euro/US Dollar Exchange Rate: Chaotic or Non-Chaotic? (with Daniela Federici), paper presented at the Urbino Conference on Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance, Urbino, 23-25 September 2010, and at the CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money and International Finance, 24-25 February 2011.
13. Economic Dynamics, study edition of 16, with solutions to exercises, Springer, 2010.
14. Modelli formali della crisi, in Moneta e Credito, vol. 63, no. 249, March 2010, 67-79.
15. Quando il ciclo diventò non lineare: Kaldor e Marrama, in Lettera Matematica Pristem, No. 74-75, April 2010, 81-86.
16. Economic Dynamics, fourth edition, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2009 (new revised edition of 64).
17. Kaldor, Marrama, Goodwin, Palomba and the Non-linear Theory of the Business Cycle, paper presented at the International Conference "Gli economisti postkeynesiani di Cambridge e l'Italia", held at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 11-12 March 2009. Published in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 261, Rome 2011, 115-124.
18. Fondamenti di economia internazionale (with Marianna Belloc), Novara, UTETuniversità, 2009.
19. Giuseppe Palomba and the Lotka-Volterra Equations, in Rendiconti Lincei - Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 19 (4) 2008, 347-357.
20. The Euro/Dollar Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: A Continuous Time Approach (with. M. Belloc and D. Federici), paper presented at the Accademia nazionale dei Lincei-Fondazione Edison International Conference on Foreign Investments and International Trade (Rome, March 10-11, 2008). Revised version published in Economia Politica 25(2), August 2008, 243- 264. Italian translation in A. Quadrio Curzio and M. Fortis (eds.), Nuove polarità nella geo-economia: globalizzazione, crisi ed Italia, Collana della Fondazione Edison, Bologna, il Mulino, 2010, 169-199.
21. Comment on "C.E.S. Production Functions in the Light of the Cambridge Critique", Journal of Macroeconomics 30, 2008, 798-800.
22. Comparative Dynamics, in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, Vol. 2.
23. The Lotka-Volterra Equations in Economics: An Italian Precursor, in Economia Politica 24 (3), December 2007, 343-348.
24. Models of International Economics, in Mathematical Methods in Economics [Ed. Wei Bin Zhang], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK [], 2007.
25. International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics, Chinese translation of 43, Shangai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2006.
26. International Economics, Economic Dynamics, and Continuous-Time Econometrics, Lectio Magistralis delivered on the occasion of the awarding of the doctorate honoris causa at the University of Frankfurt, 9th February 2006. Published as CIDEI Working Paper No. 71.
27. Elementi di Economia Internazionale, new edition, Novara, UTETuniversita, 2006.
28. International Trade Theory and Policy, Chinese translation of 55, Shangai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2005.
29. Economic Dynamics-Study Edition, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York etc., 2005 (reprint, with corrections, of 64).
30. The Current Account-Interest Rate Relation as a Nonlinear Phenomenon (with M. Belloc), revised version of 41, in Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 14:2, 145-166, June 2005.
31. Elements of International Economics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2004.
32. Economic Dynamics, Chinese translation of 64, China Economics Publishing House, Beijing, 2003.
33. Can Currency Crises Be Forecast ? (with A. Anzuini), revised version of 45, in 35, 61-82.
34. In Memory of Vittorio Marrama: A Personal Reminiscence, in 35, 11-12.
35. International Economic Flows, Currency Crises, Investment and Economic Development: Essays in Memory of Vittorio Marrama (editor, with F. Marzano), Roma, EUROMA (Publications of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome La Sapienza), 2003.
36. Endogenous Growth in an Open Economy and the Real Exchange Rate (with D. Federici), revised version of 42, in Australian Economic Papers 41:4, 499-518, December 2002.
37. Elementi di Economia Internazionale, Torino, UTET, 2002.
38. Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic Openness: A Causal Relation? (with G. Nicoletti), CIDEI Working Paper No. 68, September 2002.
39. Chaos and the Exchange Rate (with D. Federici), revised version of 49, in
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 11:2, June 2002, 111-142.
40. Continuous-Time Estimation of an Endogenous Growth Model of an Open Economy (with K. Donaghy and D. Federici), revised version of 50, in Annals of Regional Science 35, 2001, No. 3, 449-61.
41. Does the Feldstein-Horioka Paradox Exist? Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence (with M. Belloc), CIDEI Working Paper No. 67, April 2002.
42. Endogenous Growth in an Open Economy and the Real Exchange Rate (with D. Federici), revised version of 48, CESifo Working Paper No. 526, July 2001.
43. International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Springer Verlag, 2001.
44. International Economics, Vol. II, Chinese translation of 66, with Addendum especially written for the Chinese edition, China Economics Publishing House, Beijing, 2001.
45. Currency Crises and Speculative Attacks: A Comparison between two Different Forecasting Alternatives (with A. Anzuini), CIDEI Working Paper No. 60, August 2000.
46. International Trade Theory and Policy, Korean translation of 55, Seoul, Dunam Publishing Co., 2000.
47. International Economics, Vol. I, Chinese translation of 68, with Addendum especially written for the Chinese edition, China Economics Publishing House, Beijing, 1999.
48. Endogenous Growth and the Real Exchange Rate: A NATREX Approach, paper presented at the Conference on Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade (with D. Federici), Tilburg University, 8-10 July 1999.
49. Is there Chaos in the Italian Exchange Rate? Results from an Estimated Continuous Time Analogue to De Grauwe's Model (with D. Federici), paper presented at a Seminar at Leuven University, 20 May 1999.
50. Continuous-Time Estimation of an Endogenous Growth Model of an Open Economy (with K.P. Donaghy and D.Federici), paper presented at the Symposium on Endogenous Growth, Policy, and Regional Development at the Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, February 18-20, 1999.
51. The NATREX: An Alternative Approach-Theory and Empirical Verifications (with A. Felettigh), CIDEI Working Paper No. 52, November 1998.
52. Economic Theory and Social Justice (editor, with F. Marzano), Macmillan, London, 1998.
53. Appunti integrativi di economia internazionale monetaria (with D. Federici), Ricerche, Roma, 1998.
54. National Macroeconomic Policies after the Euro (with K. P. Donaghy et al), paper presented at the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association in Vienna, Austria, August 28-September 1, 1998.
55. International Trade: Theory and Policy, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1998.
56. Nonlinear Phenomena in Economics: The Exchange Rate (with G. De Arcangelis), revised version of 60, in Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications 30 (2), 1043-1049, 1997.
57. Appunti integrativi di economia internazionale (with D. Federici), Ricerche, Roma, 1997.
58. Economic Dynamics, Study edition with solutions to exercises, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1997.
59. Amoroso, Luigi, in Business Cycles and Depressions: An Encyclopedia (D. Glasner ed.), Garland, New York, 1997.
60. The Exchange Rate as a Nonlinear Economic Variable (with G. De Arcangelis), CIDEI. Working Paper No. 36, 1996.
61. Nonlinear Phenomena in Economics: The Exchange Rate (with G. De Arcangelis), invited paper to the Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Athens, July 1996.
62. Nonlinear Estimation of a Nonlinear Continuous Time Model (with P.C. Padoan et al.), (revised version of 72), in W.A. Barnett, G. Gandolfo and C. Hillinger (eds.), 1996, Dynamic Disequlibrium Modelling, Chap. 4, Cambridge University Press.
63. Dynamic Disequilibrium Modelling (editor, with W.A. Barnett and C. Hillinger), Cambridge University Press, 1996.
64. Economic Dynamics, 3rd ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1996 (revised edition of 152).
65. Il tasso di cambio: una sfida per la teoria economica, in Ufficio Italiano Cambi, Studi per il cinquantenario, Laterza, Bari, 1995, 431-467.
66. International Economics, Vol. II: International Monetary Economics and Open-Economy Macroeconomics (second revised edition), Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1995.
67. The Italian Continuous Time Model: Results of the Nonlinear Estimation (with P.C. Padoan, G. De Arcangelis, C.R. Wymer), CES Working Paper No. 69, University of Munich, 1994 (revised version of 72).
68. International Economics, Vol. I :The Pure Theory of International Trade (second revised edition), Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1994.
69. Corso di economia internazionale , Vol. II: Economia monetaria internazionale, (nuova edizione), UTET, Torino, 1994.
70. Corso di economia internazionale , Vol. I: La teoria pura del commercio internazionale, (nuova edizione), UTET, Torino, 1994.
71. Crisi valutarie: cause e rimedi, in 1994: Dove va l'economia italiana (a cura di J. Iacobelli), Bari, Laterza, 1994.
72. Nonlinear Estimation of a Nonlinear Model (with P.C. Padoan et al.), paper presented at the Conference on Dynamic Disequilibrium Modelling, University of Munich, August 31-September 4, 1993.
73. Sviluppo economico e movimenti internazionali di capitali, in Atti della giornata di studio dedicata a Marco Fanno, Roma, Mediocredito Centrale, 1993, pp. 57-66.
74. La dinamica della liberalizzazione dei capitali: un'analisi macroeconometrica, in Rivista di Politica Economica 83, n.4, aprile 1993, 109-154 (Italian version of 83).
75. Continuous Time Econometric Modelling and the Issue of Capital Liberalization (with P.C. Padoan), in P.C.B.Phillips (ed.), Models, Methods and Applications of Econometrics, Basil Blackwell, London, 1993, 354-369.
76. Entry "Economia Internazionale", in Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali Treccani, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, Vol. III, 1993.
77. Capital Liberalization and Exchange Rate Expectations: The Italian Case (with P.C. Padoan), in G. Gandolfo (ed.), Continuous Time Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Chapman&Hall, London, 1993, 133-149.
78. Continuous Time Econometrics: Theory and Applications (editor), Chapman&Hall, London, 1993.
79. Continuous Time Econometrics Has Come of Age, in G. Gandolfo (ed.), Continuous Time Econometrics: Theory and Applications, 1-11.
80. Comment on "Floating Exchange Rates Considered" (by P.B. Kenen), in Proceedings of the Rinaldo Ossola Memorial Conference, Banca d'Italia, Perugia, 9-10 July 1992 (published as Kenen, Papadia and Saccomanni eds., The International Monetary System, Cambridge University Press, 1994).
81. Discussion of "Unemployment in the OECD Countries" (by Fritz C. Holte), in K. Velupillai (ed), Nonlinearities, Disequilibria and Simulation, Macmillan, London, 1992, 237-239.
82. Sensitivity Analysis in Continuous Time Econometric Models, in Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 24, 8/9, Oct./Nov 1992, 43-55.
83. The Dynamics of Capital Liberalization: A Macroeconometric Analysis (with P.C.Padoan), CES Working Paper 24, University of Munich, September 1992; then pubblished in Rivista di Politica Economica 83, No. 4, April 1993, and in M. Baldassarri, M. Di Matteo and R. Mundell (eds.), International Problems of Economic Interdependence, Macmillan, London, 1994, pp.107-149.
84. Monetary Unions, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, London, Macmillan, 1992.
85. Verso la crisi valutaria? in 1992: Dove va l'economia italiana (a cura di Jader Jacobelli), Bari, Laterza, 1992, pp. 42-47.
86. The Exchange Rate: Linear or Nonlinear? (with P.C. Padoan and L. Sabani), CIDEI Working Paper No. 6, June 1991; revised version presented at the CNRS‑HEC‑Bundesbank Workshop on “The Natural Rate of Exchange”, Frankfurt, 21 October 1991.
87. The Theory of Exchange Rate Determination, and Exchange Rate Forecasting (with P.C. Padoan and G. De Arcangelis), CIDEI working paper No. 1, June 1991; presented at the International Economic Association Conference on “Open Economy Macroeconomics”, Vienna, May 30‑June 1, 1991 and at the Conference on “Modelli a Coefficienti variabili”, Roma, 20‑21 febbraio 1992 (in “Quaderni di Statistica e Econometria”, Vol. XIV, Portici). Revised version published in H. Frisch and A. Wörgötter (eds.), Open Economy Macroeconomics, London, Macmillan, 1993, 332‑352.
88. Liberalizzazione dei movimenti di capitale e disequilibrio macroeconomico. Un'analisi del caso italiano (con P.C. Padoan), presentato al Convegno "Ricerche applicate e modelli per la politica economica" (SADIBA, Perugia, 14-16 marzo 1991). Pubblicato in AA.VV, Ricerche applicate e modelli per la politica economica, Roma, Banca d'Italia, Vol. II, pp. 535-551.
89. Determinazione e previsione del tasso di cambio: teorie e verifiche empiriche, in Banche e Banchieri, n. 3, 1991.
90. Capital Liberalization and Exchange Rate Expectations: The Italian Case (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the International Symposium on Economic Modelling (Urbino, 23-25 July 1990); revised version published in G. Gandolfo (ed.), Continuous Time Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Chapman&Hall, London, 1993, 133-149.
91. Liberalizzazione dei movimenti di capitale, tassa di Tobin e aspettative di cambio, in Banche e Banchieri, n.12, 1990.
92. Perfect Capital Mobility and the Italian Economy (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the February 1990 meeting of the CEEA (Frankfurt, 22-24 February 1990); also circulated as ENI-Note di Ricerca n. 6, maggio 1990. Revised version published in E. Baltensperger and H.-W. Sinn (eds.), Exchange-Rate Regimes and Currency Unions, Macmillan, London, 1992, 36-61.
93. Exchange Rate Determination: Single Equation or Economy-wide Models? A Test Against the Random Walk (with P.C. Padoan and G. Paladino), in Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 14, November 1990, 965-992.
94. Target Zones and Monetary Stability: Comment, in E.-M. Claassen (ed.), International and European Monetary Systems, Praeger, New York, 1990,12-13.
95. Structural Models Vs Random Walk: The Case of the Lira/$ Exchange Rate (with P.C. Padoan and G. Paladino), in Eastern Economic Journal, Vol.XVI, April-June 1990, 101-123.
96. The Italian Continuous Time Model: Theory and Empirical Results (with P.C. Padoan), in Economic Modelling, Vol. 7, April 1990, 91-132.
97. Il tasso di cambio lira/$: la performance previsionale fuori campione dei modelli strutturali, ovvero come battere la passeggiata casuale (con P.C. Padoan e G. Paladino), in Saggi di politica economica in onore di Federico Caffè (a cura di N. Acocella, G.M. Rey e M. Tiberi), Angeli, Milano, 1990, Vol. I, pp. 185-198.
98. Le "bolle speculative", in 1990: Dove va l'economia italiana (a cura di Jader Jacobelli), Bari, Laterza, 1990, pp.43-46.
99. Sull'uso della matematica in economia, in Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (7) 3-A, 1989, 259-278.
100. Corso di economia internazionale, UTET, Torino, 1989.
101. The Lira/$ Exchange Rate: The Out-of-Sample Predictive Performance of Structural Models or, How to Beat the Random Walk (with P.C. Padoan and G. Paladino), in N.M. Christodoulakis (ed.), Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1989, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990, 397-402.
102. A Presentation of the Italian Continuous Time Model (with P.C. Padoan), in N.M. Christodoulakis (ed.), Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1989, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990, 387-396.
103. Continuous Time Econometrics, Structural Stability and Institutional Change (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the International Symposium on Evolutionary Dynamics and Nonlinear Economics (April 16-19,1989, Prigogine Center, Austin TX).
104. Modelli econometrici in tempo continuo e politiche economiche ottimali (with P.C. Padoan and M.L. Petit), Angeli, Milano, 1989.
105. Liberalizzazione dei movimenti di capitale e sistema macroeconomico: il caso italiano, in Banche e Banchieri, 1989, n. 9.
106. Conseguenze della liberalizzazione dei movimenti di capitale: un'analisi sistemica (with P.C. Padoan), in Note Economiche, 1988, n. 2, 5-27.
107. The Optimal Degree of Wage Indexation in the Italian Economy: Rerunning History by Dynamic Optimization (with M.L. Petit), in G. Ricci and K. Velupillai (eds.), 1988, Growth Cycles and Multisectoral Economics: The Goodwin Tradition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 120-126.
108. À propos de la construction des modèles macroéconometriques: l'approche en temps continu, in P. Malgrange and J. Demongeot (eds.), Méthodes comparées en économie et en biologie, I.M.E., Librairie de l'Université, Dijon, 1988, 65-82.
109. Consequences of Liberalization of Capital Movements in an Advanced Economy: A Systemic Analysis (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Dynamics and Control (Tempe, Arizona, March 9-11, 1988).
110. La pericolosa mobilita'dei capitali, in J. Jacobelli (ed.), 1988, Dove va l'economia italiana?, Bari Laterza, 54-60.
111. The Mark V Version of the Italian Continuous Time Model (with P.C. Padoan), Quaderni dell'Istituto di Economia no. 70, University of Siena, Faculty of Economics, Dec. 1987.
112. The Life and Works of Vittorio Marrama, in G. Gandolfo and F. Marzano (eds.), 1987, Keynesian Theory, Planning Models and Quantitative Economics, Vol. I and Vol. II (Essays in Memory of Vittorio Marrama), Giuffre', Milano, Vol I, XIII-XXV.
113. (a-f) Amoroso, Luigi; Ceva, Giovanni; de Finetti, Bruno; Ricci, Umberto; Slutsky, Eugen; Volterra, Vito, in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, Macmillan, London, 1987. The entry on Slutsky has been reprinted in J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (eds.), 1990, Time Series and Statistics, Macmillan, London, 259-262. The entry on de Finetti has been reprinted in J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (eds.), 1990, Utility and Probability, Macmillan, London, 96-98.
114. Stability, in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, Vol. 4, Macmillan, London, 1987.
115. Optimization in Continuous Time and Optimal Policy Design in the Italian Economy (with M.L. Petit), in Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 1987, n. 6/7, 311-333.
116. International Economics I and International Economics II (two-volume edition of 120), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York., 1987.
117. Sulla nozione di stabilità, in Quaderni Sardi di Economia, 1987, n. 1-2, 3-14.
118. Controllo ottimo nel continuo: un'applicazione all'economia italiana (with M.L. Petit), in Note Economiche, 1986, n. 5/6, 28-54.
119. Optimal Exchange Rate Management in the Italian Economy Via Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (with P.C. Padoan and M.L. Petit), paper presented at the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Athens, December 10-12, 1986). Published in the Proceedings of the Conference.
120. International Economics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin New York, 1986.
121. Problems and Results in the Control of a Continuous Time Macroeconometric Model of the Italian Economy (with M.L. Petit), paper presented at the Annual meeting of the German Society for Operations Research - Control Theory (Ulm, Germany, 24-26 September 1986). Published in Operations Research Proceedings 1986, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1987, 538-546.
122. Optimal Control in a Continuous Time Macroeconometric Model of the Italian Economy (with M.L. Petit), paper presented at the 11th Symposium on Operations Research -Optimal Control Theory and Applications in Economics (Darmstadt, Germany, 1-3 September 1986). Published in W. Domschke et al. (eds.), 1987, Methods of Operations Research, athenaeum, Frankfurt, 369-378.
123. Recent Trends in Macroeconometric Model Building for Policy Analysis, in International Journal of Development Planning Literature, 1, April-June 1986, 167-179.
124. Issues in Macroeconometric Model Building: The Continuous Time Approach, paper presented at the CEPREMAP (Paris, 29 April 1986).
125. Continuous Time Dynamic Models for Policy Analysis: Methodological Aspects and an Illustration for the Italian Case (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the International Conference on Economic Modelling in the OECD Economies: Current Developments and Future Challenges (London, 24-27 March 1986).
126. Economia Internazionale, Tomo I (Teoria pura del commercio internazionale) e Tomo II (Economia internazionale monetaria), UTET, Torino, 1986.
127. Sulle cosiddette "nuove teorie" del commercio internazionale, in Moneta ed Economia Internazionale, Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, 1985.
128. The Election and the Economy (with P.C. Padoan et al), paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Dynamics and Controls (London, 26-28 June 1985). Revised version published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 10, 1986, 213-218.
129. Processi di aggiustamento e approccio monetario alla bilancia dei paga-menti, in G. Galizzi and G. Tappero-Merlo (eds.), 1985, L'economia internazionale degli anni `80, Angeli, Milano, 125-136.
130. A Disequilibrium Model of Real and Financial Accumulation in an Open Economy: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Policy Simulations (with P.C. Padoan), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1984.
131. A Disequilibrium Model of Real and Financial Accumulation in an Open Economy (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Dynamics and Control (Nice, June 13-15, 1984).
132. Il circolo vizioso svalutazione-inflazione, in Osservatorio Economico, Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, 1984, n. 2.
133. Regole di politica economica a controreazione in un modello macroeconometrico in tempo continuo dell'economia italiana, invited paper presented at the VIIth Conference of the A.M.A.S.E.S. (University of Modena, 26-29 September 1984).
134. Feedback Policy Rules in a Continuous Time Macroeconometric Model of the Italian Economy, paper presented at the second Viennese Workshop on Economic Applications of Control Theory (Vienna, May 16-18, 1984). Published in G. Feichtinger (ed.), 1985, Optimal Control Theory and Economic Analysis 2, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
135. Risultati e problemi dell'uso di un modello continuo per la politica economica (with P.C. Padoan), invited paper presented at the Conference on Ricerche quantitative per la politica economica (SADIBA, Perugia, 16-18 February 1984). Published in Ricerche quantitative per la politica economica, Roma, Banca d'Italia, Vol. I, 331-357.
136. Inflation and Economic Policy in an Open Economy: Some Simulations with a Dynamic Macroeconometric Model (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the 4th IFAC/IFORS Conference on The Modelling and Control of National Economies (Washington, D.C., June 17-19, 1983). Published in T. Basar and L.F. Pau (eds.), 1984, Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1983, Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York, 39-46.
137. Cyclical Growth in a Non-Linear Macrodynamic Model of the Italian Economy (with P.C. Padoan), invited paper presented at the Workshop on Non-Linear Models of Fluctuating Growth: Theory and Empirical Evidence, University of Siena, 24-27 March 1983. Revised version published in R.M. Goodwin, M. Kruger and A. Vercelli (eds.), 1984, Non-Linear Models of Fluctuating Growth, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 232-252.
138. The Functional Form of the Aggregate Import Demand Equation: Italy, 1960-1980 (with M.L. Petit), in Economics Letters 11, 1983, 145-148.
139. Sviluppi recenti della modellistica macroeconomica: riflessioni in margine ad un conve-gno, in Quaderni Sardi di Economia 12, 1982, n. 2/3, 1982.
140. Discussion of Bergstrom's paper Monetary, Fiscal and Exchange Rate Policy in a Continuous Time Econometric Model of the U.K., presented at the CGP-CEPREMAP International Seminar on Recent Developments in Macroeconometric Modelling (Paris, 13-15 September 1982). Published in P. Malgrange and P.A. Muet (eds.), 1984, Contemporary Macroeconomic Modelling, Blackwell, Oxford, 210-214.
141. Demand Management and Exchange Rate Policy: The Italian Experience - A Comment on Tullio (with P.C. Padoan), in IMF Staff Papers 29, 1982, 467-474.
142. Sulla scelta della forma funzionale: teoria e un'applicazione alla funzione delle importazioni aggregate in Italia (with M.L. Petit), in Note Economiche, 1982, n. 2.
143. Inventory Cycles in a Macrodynamic Model of the Italian Economy (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the International Symposium on Inventories (Budapest, August 1982). Published in A. Chikàn (ed.), 1984, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 145-153.
144. Recenti sviluppi della modellistica macroeconometrica per le analisi di politica economica, invited paper presented at the Conference "Ricerche sui modelli per la politica economica"SADIBA, Perugia, 4-6 February 1982. Published in Various Authors, 1983, Ricerche sui modelli per la politica economica, Bank of Italy, Rome, Vol. II, 711-726.
145. Policy Simulations with a Continuous Time Macrodynamic Model of the Italian Economy: A Preliminary Analysis (with P.C. Padoan), in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 4, 205-224, 1982.
146. Rientro dall'inflazione, tasso di cambio e accumulazione: alcune simulazioni con un modello macrodinamico dell'economia italiana (with P.C. Padoan), in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 1981, n. 4.
147. A Continuous Time Macrodynamic Model of the Italian Economy (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the International Conference of the Society of Economic Dynamics and Control, Lingby, Denmark, June 22-24, 1981.
148. Qualitative Analysis and Econometric Estimation of Continuous Time Dynamic Models, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1981.
149. Un modello macrodinamico dell'economia italiana: aspetti teorici e risultati empirici (with P.C. Padoan), in Note Economiche, 1981, n. 1.
150. Ottimizzazione della politica economica nella teoria e nella realta': il rapporto del "Committee on Policy Optimization", in Rivista di Politica Economica, 1980, n. 7.
151. A Macrodynamic Model of the Italian Economy: Theory and Empirical Results (with P.C. Padoan), paper presented at the 5th Polish-Italian Symposium, Torun (Poland), June 11-16, 1980. Published in J. Gutenbaum and M. Niezgodka (eds.), 1980, Applications of System Theory to Economics, Management and Technology, Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 217-240.
152. Economic Dynamics: Methods and Models, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1980 (revised edition of 182).
153. The Equilibrium Exchange Rate: Theory and Empirical Evidence, in M. Sarnat and G.P. Szego (eds.), 1979, International Finance and Trade, Ballinger, Cambridge (Mass.), Vol. I, 99-130 (revised version of 163).
154. Stima econometrica di modelli continui, in Quaderni sardi di economia, 1979, n. 2/3.
155. Specificazione, analisi qualitativa e stima econometrica di modelli continui, Ispequaderni n. 13/14, ISPE, Roma, 1979.
156. Modelli continui e discreti in economia, in Quaderni sardi di economia, 1979, n. 1.
157. Teoria pura del commercio internazionale, ISEDI, Milano, 1978.
158. Sul preteso potere isolante dei cambi flessibili: un errore ricorrente, in Banche e Banchieri, 1978, n. 3.
159. Economia internazionale monetaria, ISEDI, Milano, 1978.
160. Alcuni nuovi risultati in tema di tasso di cambio di equilibrio, in Note Economiche, 1978, n. 3.
161. Esportazioni clandestine di capitale e sovrafatturazione delle importazioni, in Rassegna Economica, 1977, n. 6.
162. Recenti sviluppi nella teoria monetaria internazionale e il problema del tasso di cambio di equilibrio, invited paper at the XVIII Annual Meeting of the Societa' Italiana degli Economisti, Rome, 4-5 November 1977. Revised version published in Various Authors, Economia internazionale: Teoria e prassi, Giuffrè, Milano, 1979.
163. The Equilibrium Exchange Rate: Theory and Empirical Evidence, paper presented at the International Conference on "Multicurrency Management and International Trade", University of Bergamo, 12-14 October 1977.
164. Appunti di economia internazionale, La Sapienza, Roma, 1976 (5th reprint 1982).
165. Il tasso di cambio di equilibrio: aspetti teorici e risultati empirici, ISEDI, Milano, 1976.
166. Métodos y modelos matematicos de la dinamica economica, Tecnos, Madrid, 1975 (Spanish translation of 182).
167. Sulla nozione di tasso di cambio di equilibrio: alcuni risultati empirici, in Banche e Banchieri, 1976, n. 7-8.
168. Sulla nozione di tasso di cambio di equilibrio, in Banche e Banchieri, 1975, n. 12.
169. Sulla trasmissione internazionale delle perturbazioni in vari regimi di cambi, in Quaderni dell'economia sarda, 1975, n. 3.
170. Appunti di macroeconomia, La Sapienza, Roma, 1975 (10th reprint 1987).
171. Appunti di economia internazionale, Parte II, mimeo, Universita' di Roma, 1975.
172. Flessibilita' limitata e cambi oscillanti (with B.Cutilli), invited paper presented at the XV annual meeting of the Società Italiana degli Economisti, Rome, 5-7 November 1974. Published in Various Authors, 1975, Sviluppo economico scambi internazionali e crisi monetaria, Giuffre', Milano, and in Rassegna Economica, 1975, n. 1.
173. Appunti di economia internazionale, Parte I, mimeo, Universita' di Roma, 1975.
174. Politica monetaria e fiscale in regime di cambi fissi: il problema del coordinamento, in Rassegna Economica, 1974, n. 2.
175. La lira fluttuante (with B. Cutilli), in Note Economiche, 1973, n. 5-6 and 1974, n. 1.
176. Sui vari concetti di saldo della bilancia dei pagamenti e sulla ricostruzione della bilancia dei pagamenti degli Stati Uniti, mimeo, Universita' di Siena, 1973.
177. Metodi di dinamica economica, ISEDI, Milano, 1973 (2nd edition 1977).
178. Un contributo alla teoria della speculazione in regime di cambi oscillanti (with B. Cutilli), Ente per gli studi monetari bancari e finanziari "Luigi Einaudi", Quaderno di Ricerche n. 10, Roma, 1973.
179. Appunti di microeconomia, mimeo, Università di Siena, 1972
180. Appunti di macroeconomia, mimeo, Università di Siena, 1972.
181. Wider Band and `Oscillating Exchange Rates'(with B. Cutilli), in Economic Notes, January-April 1972.
182. Mathematical Methods and Models in Economic Dynamics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1971.
183. Su alcuni problemi di dinamica economica, in Note Economiche, marzo-aprile e maggio-giugno 1971.
184. Tentativi di analisi teorica in tema di cambi flessibili e speculazione, in L'Industria, 1971, n. 1.
185. La scelta degli strumenti di politica economica in regime di cambi flessibili, in Rivista di Politica Economica, novembre 1970.
186. Tassi di cambio: fissi o flessibili?, mimeo, University of Rome, 1970.
187. I processi di aggiustamento della bilancia dei pagamenti e l'equilibrio macroeconomico interno ed esterno, F. Angeli, Milano, 1970.
188. Metodi matematici e modelli in dinamica economica, Ricerche, Roma, 1968.
189. Sulla compatibilità fra equilibrio interno ed equilibrio esterno in regime di cambi fissi, in Giornale degli Economisti, maggio-giugno 1968.
190. Some Critical Remarks on J. Robinson's Growth Model, in Rivista di Politica Economica (Selected Papers), February and December 1967.
191. Complementi matematici di dinamica economica, Ricerche, Roma, 1967.
192. La teoria classica del meccanismo di aggiustamento della bilancia dei pagamenti, in Economia Internazionale, agosto 1966.
193. Un tentativo di inserimento del principio dell'adeguamento dello stock di capitale in un modello aggregato, in Rivista di Politica Economica, ottobre 1965.
194. Il tatonnement e la stabilita'dell'equilibrio generale dello scambio, in Economia Internazionale, maggio 1964.
195. The Role of Commercial Banks in Foreign Exchange Speculation, Mathematical Appendix (with B. Cutilli), in Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, June 1963.