Geographical description
of Novosibirsk region

Puerto Rico

Map provided by Maps & World Atlas


It's our region : steppes, forests;
In summer nice and when it's cold.
  Three thousands of lakes including,
'Blue eyes' of Siberia they are called.
Novosibirsk region is situated in a central part of a continent in south-east of West Siberian lowland, it's area is 178sq km. Region stretches from west to east for about 600 km and from north to south for about 400 km; from Northern taiga to the foothills of the Altai Mountains, from the fertile Barabinsk Steppe to the spurs of the Salair Range. It's unique to have three natural zones: forest, forest-steppe and steppe. So, region is sometimes described as 'Siberian mirror', for it looks like a model scale of this part of the world.
  The river Ob divides the territory into two parts: right bank and left bank. Left bank occupies about 80% of the territory. Left part is mainly lowland with mountain-ranges of about 3-10 m high. The right part is hilly a bit. The geographical position causes climate. There are four seasons clearly seen. Summer is hot (+20-+25 degrees C), but very short, about 90-100 days. Winter is long, sometimes windy (150 days) with a cold temperature (-20 - -30 degrees C) and snow. Spring and autumn are short with rains and not stable weather.
The main rivers are Ob, Om, and Chulim. There are about 3000 lakes in the region, people call them 'blue eyes' lovingly. The lakes are not deep with swampy shores. In south-east there are a lot of bitter salty lakes. The famous resort 'Lake Karachi' is also in our region. In winter all rivers and lakes are covered with ice, about 1m, sometimes to the bottom.
About 30 % of territory is occupied by swamps. Large swamp massifs are in the north of the region and this place isn't inhabited by people. There is also a man-made sea, i.e. the 240-km long Ob reservoir of the Novosibirsk Hydropower station.
On the whole Novosibirsk land is very beautiful: vast wheat fields and pastures, forests with elks stalking in them and numerous picturesque places with rocks and babbling mountain springs.

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Photos taken by students