[BASE Cinque - Appunti di Matematica ricreativa]

La vera storia del gioco del 15

Ricevo e pubblico molto volentieri questa lettera di Jerry Slocum, nella quale egli ci presenta il libro intitolato "The 15 Puzzle" che ha scritto assieme a Dic Sonneveld.
Nel libro si trovano molte sorprendenti rivelazioni su questo gioco, tra cui ad esempio l'identità del suo vero inventore, che non sarebbe Samuel Loyd ma Noyes Chapman, che lo brevettò nel 1880.
Ci sono anche alcune autorevoli recensioni e un link al sito di Slocum.


After seeing your web site section about Sam Loyd, I thought that you would like to know about our new book describing the history of the Fifteen Puzzle, titled, "The 15 Puzzle", by Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld.

Many surprising things were revealed during our several years of primary source research, including:

Some Early 15 Puzzle Book Reviews (alcune recensioni)

Martin Gardner, Author of 15 Classic Books on Mathematical Recreations
Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld have written an amazing tour de force. It covers in fantastic detail the history of the greatest mechanical puzzle craze ever to sweep not only the United States but also England and Europe. The Rubik’s Cube mania was modest in comparison. Did Sam Loyd, America’s greatest puzzle maker, invent the notorious 14-15 sliding block puzzle? He claimed he did but the claimwas a total lie. Loyd had nothing whatsoever to do with either the puzzle or its popularity. Who was the actual inventor? The authors of this book will tell you. Their history is crammed with color photographs of the incredible variety of marketed versions of the unpatented puzzle, and with scores of cartoons and comic poems poking fun at the millions of people almost driven crazy by trying to solve the puzzle. For mathematicians there are clear summaries of proofs of impossibility, clever pseudo-solutions, and ingenious variants using words and pictures instead of numbers. The research done by the two authors is awesome. It is a book hard to put down.

Will Shortz, Crossword Editor, NY Times & PuzzleMaster, National Public Radio
The 15 Puzzle is the granddaddy of all sliding-block puzzles. It was a worldwide sensation more than a century ago -- the first major novelty craze of the industrial age, the progenitor, in a way, of Pigs in Clover, crosswords, Rubik's Cube, sudoku, and all the other mental manias in the years since.
… this is a surprising, entertaining, and painstakingly researched book…
This is a book that everyone interested in puzzles will enjoy.

David Singmaster, Professor of Mathematics and Metagrobologist
An outstanding feature of The 15 Puzzle is the profusion of quotations from contemporary newspapers and photos of examples of the puzzles and their boxes and advertising. The whole story is a bit like an Indiana Jones film, but has the immense advantages of being true and coherent! This is a monumental work which resolves one of the great historical puzzles of puzzledom. Many congratulations to Slocum and Sonneveld!

Professor Don Knuth, Stanford U., Author of The Art of ComputerProgramming
This book is a visual delight in addition to setting incredible new standards in historical research about the world's fascinating puzzle subculture. Reading the book has made me substantially more optimistic about being able to track down sources of ideas that I once thought would be impossible to trace.

For more details see: www.SlocumPuzzles.com

Jerry Slocum



A titolo di informazione, incollo qui sotto una scansione della pagina 235 della mitica Cyclopedia of Puzzles nella quale Sam Loyd presenta il gioco del 15.

Cyclopedia p235

Data creazione: giugno 2006

Ultimo aggiornamento: giugno 2006

xhtml 1.1

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