![]() ![]() Chiesa e Monastero di S. Lucia in Selci (Book 8) (Day 2) (Map B3) (Rione Monti) In this page:
1. Portico e muri antichi (Portico and old walls) belong to the Porticus
Liviae a large Roman building on the slopes of the Esquiline. The church
and the monastery were built in the VIth century turning the Roman ruins into a sort of
fortress (my background is a Roman capital now in the large
wall to the left). The view is taken from the green dot in the 1748 map below.
In the description below the plate Vasi made reference to: 1) S. Lucia in Selci; 2) Street leading to
Monastero della Purificazione; 3) S.
Pietro in Vincoli; 4) Casa delle Suore Paolotte. 3) is shown in another page.
The map shows also 5) SS. Gioacchino e Anna.
Via in Selci and the severe looks of the Monastery are one of the most interesting medieval sites of Rome.
At a closer look the Roman arches can still be detected. The entrance is the only Baroque addition.
The plate shows at the far right part of a nunnery. "Casa delle Suore
Paolotte" means house of the nuns of Paola (nuns belonging
to the order founded in 1453 by S. Francesco di Paola). In 1760 (Vasi published this book in 1758) the
nuns completed a church dedicated to S. Gioacchino and now called SS. Gioacchino e Anna.
Next plate in Book 8: Monastero delle Vergini
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