Measures taken Novosibirsk region

Puerto Rico

Novosibirsk Region State Committee on Environmental Protection

The Committee was founded in 1988. Since this period it has created reliable system of state control under observance of environmental laws. All enterprises and objects Ministry of Defense are taken under strict control. Specialists of the Committee worked out ecological program of the region, where they described the main directions and actions of regional nature protection. The plan of development and placement of specially protected areas was discussed and introduced. The department of examination undergoes state examination on different objects. The Committee also organizes public ecological events and conferences.

Red Data Book

The Red Data Book of Novosibirsk region was published in 2002. (according to resolution of the Head of Regional Administration ¹ 390, 21.06.99) It's the official document, which contains the information about rare and disappearing species that live or grow on the territory of the region and measures needed for their protection. There are about 121 species of plants and mushrooms, 150 species of animals: 19 mammals, 76 birds, 6 fishes, and also 3 species of worms and 43 of insects. Objects registered can't be used in commercial purposes.

Specially protected areas

There are eight large reserves in Novosibirsk region. All human activities are fully or partly prohibited there. The reserves are all available for public visit. Taking photos and making videos is permissible.
"Dovolenskiy", "Kargatskiy", "Kudryashovskiy bor" , "Chikmanskiy", "Lighthouse", "Yudinskiy", "Southern", "Zdvinskiy, "Kirzinskiy".

Museum of regional studies (nature department)

In museum hall one can see practically all the representatives of region fauna : mammals, birds, bugs, batterflies. Exibits are all stuffed and put in biogroups to show their natural ecosystem. A lot of information is available on the walls : texts, drawings, photos. The main work in museum is exursions, such as "Nature of Novosibirsk region", "Birds of region", "The wonderful world of insects", "Disappeared species". People who work in museum visit distance schools with materials, slides, videos. Museum helds the environment events, for example, "Day of birds", "Earth is our home", "Week of knowledge". The main objective of museum work is to educate people in problems of ecology.

Environmental organizations


Ecological students club "AVES" works in Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University under supervision of the department of botany and ecology. Club carries out scientifical research of flora and fauna of Novosibirsk region. Other activities include:

1. Organization and conducting of annual regional Olympiad in the ecology of biosphere - IOEB among the students of the city of Novosibirsk and West Siberia.
2. Organization of the work of the open student seminar - IOSS.
3. Participation in the "International Day of Earth".
5. Work of ekotheatre "Poiesis".
6. Participation in preparation and publication of scientifically- educational and enlightenment periodicals on ecology.


Members of NSU Ecoclub take an active part in all kinds of activities concerning ecology. The club organises expeditions to different parts of the region: lakes, forests, caves with aim to find out the places of habitation of endangered species, study them and propose the measures required for their conservation. The members also help to guide reserves’ territories from poachers in summer. Club organises regional and international conferences on ecology, carries out very important scientific researches.

School organisations

Until recently ecology wasn’t the subject of school curriculum. But now it’s compulsory subject in most of schools. And in many schools ecology clubs appeared. Children plant trees, clear river banks and glades, take an active part in other projects, including creative ones.