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Passeggio di Ponte S. Angelo (Book 5) (Map C2) (View C4) (Day 8) (Rione Borgo)

In this page:
The plate by Giuseppe Vasi
Today's view
Detail of the statues

The Plate (No. 85 - ii)

Passeggio di Ponte S. Angelo

This plate shows a very interesting view of the houses and palaces directly overlooking the river and some Roman landmarks in the background. The view is taken from the green dot in the small 1748 map here below. In the description below the plate Vasi made reference to: 1) Bastion of Castel Sant'Angelo; 2) Collegio Clementino; 3) Dome of S. Carlo al Corso; 4) S. Rocco; 5) S. Attanasio dei Greci; 6) Villa Medici; 7) SS. Trinità dei Monti; 8) Vigna Altoviti; 9) S. Girolamo agli Schiavoni. All but 8) are shown in detail in other pages.

Small ViewSmall View


The view today

A curtain of trees separates the river from the city. Collegio Clementino  has been replaced by a modern building: only the dome of S. Carlo al Corso assures us that we are viewing what Vasi saw.

Passeggio: then let's walk and cross the river to go to Castel S. Angelo. Two saints and ten angels holding elements of the Passion will be with us. Left side of the bridge (first row in the picture here below): St Peter (school of Lorenzetto), the scourge (by Lazzaro Morelli), the crown of thorns (by Paolo Naldini from an original by Gian Lorenzo Bernini now in S. Andrea delle Fratte), the dice (by Paolo Naldini), the derogatory inscription (I.N.R.I.) (by Gian Lorenzo Bernini), the offer of vinegar (by Antonio Giorgetti); right side of the bridge (second row): St Paul (school of Paolo Taccone), the throne (by Antonio Raggi), the poor vestment (by Cosimo Fancelli), the nails (by Girolamo Lucenti), the cross (by Ercole Ferrata), the lance (by Domenico Guidi).

Let's walk

In the background the light balustrade of Ponte degli Angeli by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The statues of St Peter and St Paul were erected by Clemens VII. The statues of the angels were commissioned to Bernini by Alexander VII. They were executed by Bernini's pupils from his designs and put in place in 1670. Bernini used to prepare full scale models made in clay to visualize the final effect of the statue; some of these models can be seen in the Vatican Museums (near the picture gallery). Although statues are tridimensional objects they usually have a preferred point of view. Most of them were put in niches and thus are best viewed frontally. The Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini, holding the head of Medusa, gains from a lateral view. Bernini's statues often were designed for being viewed from different angles. His early works for Cardinal Borghese (Apollo and Daphne, Rape of Proserpine) were immediately recognized as masterpieces because they were equally viewable from different angles. Bernini gave instructions on the exact positioning of the statues in the room taking into account the proximity of windows. Apollo and Daphne was first to be seen from the back to discover only in a second moment that the young woman was turning into a tree. For the angels of the bridge, Bernini devised three points of view, bearing in mind that people would be crossing the bridge in both directions. So in addition to the frontal view the statues can be seen also at a 45 degree angle. The wings of the angels are opened in a manner to be seen frontally at such lateral views (for more baroque angels click here). Here below two other views of the last angel in the first row.

Different viewpoints

Here below the inscriptions under each statue:

St. Peter
Hinc humilibus venia
St. Paul
Hinc retributio superbis
1st angel behind St. Peter
In flagella paratus sum (Psalm XXXVII)
1st angel behind St. Paul
Tronus meus in columna (Eccles. XXIV)
2nd angel behind St. Peter
In aerumna mea dum configitur spina (Psalm XXXI)
2nd angel behind St. Paul
Respicie in faciem Christi tui (Psalm LXXXIII)
3rd angel behind St. Peter
Super vestem meam miserunt sortem (Matth. XXVII)
3rd angel behind St. Paul
Aspiciant ad me quae confixerunt (Zach. XII)
4th angel behind St. Peter
Regnavit a ligno Deus (after a religious hymn)
4th angel behind St. Paul
Cuius principatus super humerum eius (Is. IX)
5th angel behind St. Peter
Potaverunt me aceto (Psalm LXVIII)
5th angel behind St. Paul
Vulnerasti cor meum (Canticle of Canticles IV)

P. S.: The decoration with statues of the bridge inspired the Jesuits of Prague who promoted the decoration with statues of saints of the main bridge of Prague.

Excerpts from Giuseppe Vasi 1761 Itinerary related to this page:

Ponte s. Angelo
Dall'Imperatore Elio Adriano fu edificato questo ponte in faccia al suo Mausoleo, o vogliamo dire sepolcro, affinchè fossero comodamente goduti, ed osservati da vicino tutti i magnifici e nobili annessi, che lo adornavano; e però dal suo fondatore fu chiamato ponte Emilio. Ma perite poi le vane superstizioni de' Gentili servì, come anche oggidì per andare alla basilica Vaticana, e pero vi fu eretto fin colà un magnifico portico, affinchè servisse di riparo tanto ne' tempi piovosi, quanto ne' giorni assolati, e per rendere maestoso il suo ingresso gl'Imperatori Gallieno, Valentiniano, e Teodosio vi aggiunsero un grande arco a guisa de' trionfali: ma poi furono a poco a poco atterrati nelle guerre civili. Niccolò V. fu il primo che risarcisse questo ponte dopo la funesta disgrazia succeduta l'anno del Giubbileo 1450. allorchè ritornando molto popolo dalla basilica Vaticana, talmente si affollò sul ponte, che rotti i ripari perirono 170. persone, parte affogate sul ponte medesimo, e parte cadute nel fiume, ed in tale riattamento fecevi nell'ingresso due cappellette una coll'immagine di san Pietro, e l'altra con quella di san Paolo.
Quindi Clem. VII. invece delle cappelle, vi pose statue di marmo, il s. Pietro scolpito da Lorenzo Fiorentino, ed il s. Paolo, da Paolo Romano, e poi quando venne in Roma Carlo V. furono poste sopra i ripari 14. statue di creta cotta riputate bellissime; ma Clemente IX. fu quegli, che ornollo, come ora si vede col disegno del Bernini, collocandovi sopra gran piedistalli dieci statue di marmo, rappresentanti altrettanti Angioli, che tengono varj strumenti della passione del nostro Redentore: quella, che sostiene la colonna è scultura di Antonio Raggi, quella col Volto santo, di Cosimo Fancelli, l'altra con i chiodi di Girolamo Lucenti, quella colla Croce, di Ercole Ferrata, l'altra colla lancia, di Domenico Guidi, quella con i flagelli, di Lazzaro Morelli, quella colla veste inconsutile, e l'altra colla corona di spine sono di Paolo Naldini, quella però col titolo della Croce è del Bernini, e l'ultima, che tiene la spugna è di Antonio Giorgetti: onde con doppia ragione si chiama ora Ponte s. Angelo.

Next plate in Book 5: Ponte e Mole Adriana
Next step in Day 8 itinerary: Ponte e Mole Adriana

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