Endangered species in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

Manatee Antillean
(Trichechus Manatus)


The Antillean manatee' habitat is in Puerto Rico, the coasts of other Greater Antilles, countries of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. It abounds in fresh or aquatic brackish water vegetation near the mouth of the rivers, in bays or coastal areas of calm waters in Puerto Rico.


Biological Information

The manatees an aquatic mammal of great size that can measure up to twelve feet of length and grief near 3.500 pounds. Its body is massive, without hair and its skin she is heavy and almost it lasts. The front legs have been modified in form of fins and the tail is squashed forming a species of powerful fin to plunge itself. It does not have back legs since its tail is more efficient to move under the water. Although the manatee one passes all its life in the water,needs to breathe fresh air reason why it must make frequent trips tothe surface of the water.
The female each two to five years can give birth to a little creature that can weigh 66 pounds and measure 4 feet of length. The young depends totally on its mother and remains with her at least two years. Only the female is in charge to take care of the young, being given milk until their teeth well are formed to eat hard foods. The manatee is the only marine mammal completely herbivor. Its main food constitutes marine grass and aquatic plants that grow little in deep places near the coast or in the rivers. The manatees take of 4 to 6 years in arriving to adulthood and apparently they can live up to 60 years.


There is evidence that the contamination of waters, the increase in the traffic of boats and "jets skis" is affecting
the manatees. The problem is that the conductors of boats sail without regarding and at high speeds causing abrupt crashing with the manatees. Additional to these problems, the fishing of manatees to use his meat, oil and fat contribute to the possible extinction of the specie. In addition, there are cases of manatees that are entangled in fishing networks which have been left without monitoring for a long time. Many manatees die drowned in these networks or by infections caused when cutting itself with them.

Measures of Conservation

The Antillean manatee was included in the federal list of species in danger of extinction in the 1967. In order to reduce the causes of deaths of manatees it is necessary to regulate the speed of boats and "jet skis" so that the collisions with these can be avoided. Also the agencies must take measures to make sure that construction projects near the coast do not affect them, as it happens with the erosion towards the sea caused by the earthwork or the direct contamination of waters with chemical agents. The erosion often causes that the quality of cost near waters diminishes, affecting the submarine vegetation on which the manatees are fed..