Index of this site
Here you will find a link to all the pages of this site (for the index of my pages on Baroque Rome and the coats of arms of the
popes click here).
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General: the structure and the author of this website.
Giuseppe Vasi Inc.(ise): pages dealing with the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi showing Roman monuments.
Complement to Giuseppe Vasi Inc.(ise): pages providing additional information on the monuments shown in the previous section.
Rioni di Roma: pages dealing with the rioni, the historical quarters of Rome.
Gregorovius' Walks: pages dealing with walks made by Ferdinand Gregorovius in the Roman countryside.
Baroque Sculpture: pages dealing with some patterns of Baroque Sculpture.
Days of Peace: how to spend a peaceful day in Rome.
Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: for those who love picturesque Rome.
Directories and Tools: directories and tools to help your navigation.
The Main Page
What's New (check here what's been added to the website)
My Guestbook
A few words about myself
My bitter views on today's ExxonMobil
Why most of Us are Children of a Lesser God
GIUSEPPE VASI Inc.(ise) Incise=Engraved
An introduction to the Grand View of Rome
A table leading to the various sections of the Grand View of Rome
Day 1
From Ponte Molle (Milvio) to S.
Croce in Gerusalemme
Day 2
From Porta
Maggiore to Villa
Day 3
From Via del Babbuino to the S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura
Day 4
From Via di
Ripetta to Palazzo Massimi
Day 5
From S. Andrea della Valle to Isola
Day 6
Day 7
From Ponte Sisto to Ponte
Day 8
The Vatican
A Short and Delicious Digression
The Environs of Rome: From Ponte Salario to Porto
Leisure in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Trade in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Traffic in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
(from these pages you can access the etchings of "Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna" by Giuseppe Vasi)
What Dante Saw
What Goethe Saw (during his stay in Rome: follow the footsteps of a great XVIIIth century traveller)
What Lord Byron Saw (excerpts from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage)
What Charles Dickens Saw (excerpts from Pictures from Italy)
What Mark Twain Saw (excerpts from The Innocents Abroad)
What Henry James Saw (excerpts from Italian Hours)
What William Dean Howells Saw (excerpts from Roman Holidays and Others)
Baroque Ceilings
The Domes of Rome
The Loggias of Rome
Roman Terraces
The Little Madonnas of Rome
The Pines of Rome
Golden Mosaics in Rome
The Talking Statues of Rome
A Roman Bestiary (the animals of Rome)
Torture and Death in the Churches of Rome
Organs and Cantoria
An Evening at Caracalla
(see also these other pages on Rome in my Marginalia section)
A Stroll in St Saba
The Fortune of Borromini in the tourist guides
Fountains in the Courtyards of Rome
Flats for Rent in XVIIIth century Rome
The Silent Streets of Rome
A Family of Painters
A Roman journey on the Circle Line
Two Roman Wars
A Roman Triumph
Roman Feet and Sandals
Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic
I - Monti
II - Trevi
III - Colonna
IV - Campo Marzio
V - Ponte
VI - Parione
VII - Regola
VIII - Sant'Eustachio
IX - Pigna
X - Campitelli
XI - Sant'Angelo
XII - Ripa
XIII - Trastevere
XIV - Borgo
A New Rione: Prati
A New XXth century Quarter: EUR
Ferdinand Gregorovius In the Roman Campagna (Aus der Campagna von Rom): Palestrina, Genazzano, Paliano and Anagni
The Ernici Mountains (Aus den Bergen der Herniker):
Ferentino and Alatri
The Volsci Mountains (Aus den Bergen der Volsker):
Valmontone, Segni, Norma and
On the Latin shores (Idyllen vom Lateinischen Ufer):
Anzio and
Nettuno and Torre Astura
Circe's Cape (Das Kap der Circe):
Terracina and San Felice
The Orsini Castle in Bracciano (Das Schloss der Orsini in Bracciano)
Subiaco, the oldest Benedictine monastery (Subiaco
das älteste Benediktinerkloster des Abendlandes)
some other walks:
A walk to Porta Furba
A walk to Ponte di Nona
A walk to Malborghetto
Via Appia Antica from Cecilia Metella to Torre in Selci
Via Appia Antica from Torre in Selci to Frattocchie
A Pilgrims' Way: Acquapendente, Bolsena and Montefiascone
On the Edge of the Marsh: Sermoneta, Sezze and Priverno
In and about Viterbo: Viterbo,
Bagnaia, Bagnoregio, Bomarzo, Orte and Vasanello, S. Maria della Querce, S. Martino al Cimino,
Tuscania and Vitorchiano
From Civitavecchia to Civita Castellana: Civitavecchia, Allumiere and Tolfa,
Oriolo Romano and Capranica, Sutri and Monterosi,
Nepi and Castel Sant'Elia and Civita Castellana
From Bracciano to Viterbo: Manziana, Canale Monterano and Vejano,
Barbarano Romano, Blera and Vetralla
Around Monte Cimino: Ronciglione, Caprarola, Carbognano and Fabrica,
Corchiano, Vignanello and Vallerano and Soriano al Cimino
In Maremma: Corneto (Tarquinia) and Montalto di Castro and Canino
Anticoli Corrado where the painters found their models
Branching off Via Cassia: S. Maria di Galeria, Isola Farnese and Formello
Statues in the act of praying
Memento Mori (Representation of Death in Baroque Rome)
Monuments Showing the Dead in a Medallion
Baroque Angels
Three Chapels by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Three Busts by Alessandro Algardi
Monuments to the Popes
Baroque High Reliefs
Statues Close to Heaven
Embittered Andrew (the statues in St. Peter's octagon)
Laughing Masks
Playing with Colours
At the Flea Market
At the Beach
A Sunny Day in Villa Borghese
Voicing Your Views ..... and feeling better
La Festa de Noantri
A visit to Roseto di Roma
Christmas in Rome
Celebrating the Foundation of Rome
Finding Solace at the Protestant Cemetery
Eating Outdoors
Roma Sparita (lost Rome)
Roman Forum
Interiors of Churches
General Indices:
The Churches of Rome
The Palaces and the Villas of Rome
Other Monuments of Rome
Pages showing monuments of towns other than Rome
Other lists of links
Baroque Architecture in Rome
Baroque Sculpture in Rome
Churches belonging to a nation or to a guild
The Fountains of Rome
The Obelisks of Rome
The Roman Families
Pages showing works by Michelangelo
Pages showing works by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Pages showing works by Francesco Borromini
Pages showing monuments of Ancient Rome
Pages showing monuments of Rome during the Middle Ages
Pages showing monuments of Rome during the Renaissance
Pages showing monuments of Rome built in the second half of the XVIth century
Pages showing monuments of Rome related to Giuseppe Garibaldi
Pages showing monuments of Rome related to Napoleon
The Stones of Rome
An Illustrated Glossary of Art Terms
A Little Iconography
The Streets of Rome
Historical Roads of Rome
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