QUIDQUID DELIRANT REGES, PLECTUNTUR ACHIVI (Horace, Epistulae) (whatever folly the rulers embark upon, it is the ordinary people who bear the consequences) ![]() ![]()
(in 2004, see what was added in 2005, in 2003 and in 2002) December 18, 2004 (last 2004 addition, see you in 2005!) Additions: Christmas in Rome December 11, 2004 Additions: Bored with short days, cloudy skies, cold winds? Then it is time to visit Roseto di Roma romeartlover has an alternative e-mail address at romeartlover@hotmail.it December 4, 2004 Additions: Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: the Roman Forum November 27, 2004 Additions: Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: discover the Interiors of Churches November 20, 2004 Additions: Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: discover Roma Sparita November 13, 2004 Additions: A new section: Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: visit picturesque Tivoli and Subiaco November 6, 2004 Additions: A Pilgrims' Way: Via Francigena October 30, 2004 Additions: Let's have A Walk to Malborghetto and let's rejoice at La Festa de Noantri in Trastevere! October 23, 2004 Additions: Let's have a sunny day at Villa Borghese and discover that Voicing Your Views in Rome makes you feel better! October 16, 2004 Additions: Let's have a peaceful day at the beach What William Dean Howells Saw (excerpts from Roman Holidays and Others). October 9, 2004 Additions: Visit modern EUR and discover the links between its buildings and historical Rome October 2, 2004 Additions: A new section to celebrate the freeing of the two Italian hostages: Days of Peace: at the Porta Portese flea market
September 25, 2004 Additions: Laughing Masks (in the streets of Rome) September 18, 2004 Additions: Ferragosto (when you can see Rome without seeing the Romans!) September 11, 2004 Additions: The Pines of Rome (a symphonic poem by Ottorino Respighi) What Lord Byron Saw (excerpts from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage)
The Bible episode in which an angel prevents Abraham from killing Isaac (shown above in a painting by Caravaggio), is usually interpreted as an important step in the evolution of mankind: the end of human sacrifices. However, embellished by new words, human sacrifices do continue to occur. September 4, 2004 Additions: Embittered Andrew (the statues in the octagon of St. Peter's)
Romeartlover will be back after a summer break! July 3, 2004 Additions: Visit Orte and Vasanello and intriguing Bomarzo June 26, 2004 Additions: Visit Bagnoregio, the dying town June 19, 2004 Additions: Visit medieval Tuscania June 12, 2004 Additions: Follow Ferdinand Gregorovius in Subiaco June 5, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Porto
May 29, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Tivoli and visit its Villa d'Este May 22, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Nemi and Civita Lavinia. Round off your tour of the Castelli Romani by visiting: Monte Porzio Catone, Montecompatri, Rocca Priora and Rocca di Papa. May 15, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Castelgandolfo and Velletri May 8, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Grottaferrata and Marino May 1, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Frascati and visit its Villas April 24, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in Ariccia and Genzano April 17, 2004 Additions: Follow an XVIIIth century traveller in A Short and Delicious Digression Visit Albano April 10, 2004 Additions: Have a walk in Rione Borgo Discover A New Rione Compare the ancient and modern Rioni di Roma And for those who have time: The Bishop Orders His Tomb At Saint Praxed's Church by Robert Browning April 3, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Trastevere! Plate12: The Walls from Porta Portese to Porta S. Pancrazio Plate 15: Cimitero di S. Spirito Plate 72: Villa Alibert Plate 90 ii: Casino Giraud Plate 119: Nuova Fabbrica del Tabacco Plate 123 ii: Cappella della Madonna del Rosario Plate 147: Oratorio del SS. Sacramento Plate 159: Cartiera Sanpieri Plate 160: Spedale di S. Maria dell'Orto and Arco de' Tolomei Plate 198 ii: Sacro Cuore di Gesł March 27, 2004 Have a walk in Rione Ripa and spend An Evening at Caracalla! March 20, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Campitelli! Plate 50: Sacello della Madonna Plate 51: Casino Fini Plate 53: Tempio di Claudio Plate 125: Tribuna di SS. Giovanni e Paolo Plate 177: Portico di Monte Caprino March 13, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Monti! Plate 37: Chiesa di S. Salvatore ad tres images Plate 46: Oratorio del SS. Sacramento Plate 47: Oratorio di S. Margherita Plate 53 ii: Palazzo Rivaldi Plate 155: Chiesa della Madonna del Buon Consiglio Plate 195: Villa Astalli March 11, 2004
March 6, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Trevi! Plate 63: Funerary monuments in Chiesa dei SS. Apostoli Plate 133: Palazzo Alli Maccarani and Palazzo Maccarani Plate 139: Palazzo della Stamperia, Palazzo Celani and Palazzo Gentili-Del Drago February 28, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Campo Marzio! Plate 2: The Gate of Villa Medici Plate 40: The Strangers' Quarter Plate 128: Palazzo di Malta Plate 132: Villa delle Rose February 21, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Parione! Plate 74: Casa di Via del Pellegrino e Arco degli Acetari Plate 75: Oratorio delle Cinque Piaghe Plate 137: Palazzo Cerri Revisions: Plate 76: Palazzo Pichi e Farnesina ai Baullari February 14, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Colonna! Plate 24: Palazzo Ferrini e Collegio dei Bergamaschi Plate 132: Palazzo Ferri Orsini and Palazzo Perucchi Plate 165: Palazzo Serlupi February 7, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Ponte! Plate 87: Palazzo De Rossi Plate 109: Palazzo del Vescovo di Cervia, Casa di Vicolo Cellini e Oratorio di S. Celso Plate 110: Palazzo Tanari e Casa di Teodoro Amayden Plate 137: Palazzo Boncompagni Corcos January 31, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Sant'Eustachio! Plate 25 ii: Palazzo Crescenzi and Palazzo Melchiorri Plate 70: Palazzo Carpegna Plate 123: Biblioteca Angelica Plate 136: Palazzo Cavallerini Plate 138: Piazza delle Coppelle Plate 141: Palazzo Casali Plate 161: Teatro Valle and Biblioteca Alessandrina Revisions Plate 113: Palazzo Cenci and Palazzo Lante January 24, 2004 Additions: in Rione Sant'Angelo: Plate 78: Palazzo Patrizi in Rione Regola: Plate 28: Albergo della Vacca Plate 111: Casa di Pietro Paolo della Zecca Plate 178: Cappella di S. Francesco e Ospizio delle Zoccolette in Rione Campitelli: Plate 116: Palazzo Fani and Palazzo Massimo di Rignano January 17, 2004 Additions: all in Rione Pigna! Plate 79: Palazzo Simonetti and Convento dei Silvestrini Plate 114: Palazzo Ginnasi Plate 135: Casa Professa dei Gesuiti and Palazzo Celsi Viscardi Plate 156: Chiostro della Minerva Plate 179: Palazzo Strozzi, Collegio Calasanzio, Teatro Argentina and Area Sacra January 10, 2004 Additions Plate 28 ii: Casa dei Vailati and Albergo della Catena Plate 29: Palazzetto Cenci Plate 78: Palazzo Mattei Paganica Plate 118: Ospedale della Consolazione Plate 136: Palazzo Boccapaduli Plate 175: Palazzo di S. Luigi and Collegio Germanico Revisions Plate 28 ii: S. Ambrogio della Massima January 3, 2004 An Illustrated Glossary of Art Terms Search my site! Go to my Home Page |